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I Didn't Choose the Bride Life...

The Bride Life chose me.

It's funny how sometimes the more you say "No" to something, the Universe keeps finding subtle ways to convince you to say more "Yes." I usually am so much of a "Yes" person that I leave little time for myself, but I'd like to think that's changing. In fact, so much in my life has been changing that I thought I had to cut out my bridal clients completely. I've thought about this for a long time.

Today I received an email from the photographer who took the photos at the last wedding I'd done bridal makeup for. Her images were amazing and they reminded me why I took that last bridal client in the first place. She wrote me a message, I checked out her Facebook profile and I liked her immediately. She was young and gorgeous with her whole life ahead of her. And her beauty radiated from the inside-out. She's a therapist for autistic children and she's just as sweet as she can be. She smiled during her entire trial run. So did I.

She wasn't unlike my other bridal clients. All have been amazing, beautiful, strong, talented, (insert an insanely long list of positive descriptive adjectives here) group of women. So... That being said, I decided since my time has become quite limited, in order to make this work I'll simply take bridal clients by referral. This has worked out well in the past and I'm loving my growing list of clients who have me in common.

I added a little service button for this on my online booking form so that it's out there again for the world to see. And I figured I'd go ahead and explain myself as well in case you all were wondering.

So here goes. What I'm trying to avoid is someone just looking for "any" warm body who can apply makeup for them on their wedding day, the Last-Minute-Lucy's, and the people who have never seen my work and don't really ever care to. Those aren't my ideal clientele.

I'd like to think I offer a little something extra. So I like to surround myself with hand-picked brides who find me equally as special.

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The images on this page are protected. They appear on this site for the sole purpose of displaying my work. ©2017 Blush Cosmetic Artistry
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